Pre-Surgery Instructions
Drop off between: 8:00 am - 9:00 am. To help with social distancing, please arrive at the appointment time that is scheduled.
Pick up between: 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm. To help with social distancing, please arrive at the pick up time that is scheduled.
- Animals must be either on a leash, in a carrier, or in a box.
- NO food or water after 11:00 p.m. the night before surgery
- NO dipping for fleas for two weeks prior to pet's surgery date. Topical Flea prevention is OK.
- Please shampoo, or have your pet groomed BEFORE the surgery date. Your PET CAN NOT BE BATHED or receive chemical flea care FOR 10 DAYS FOLLOWING SURGERY.
PLEASE NOTE: Written proof of current rabies vaccination (Rabies certificate not tag) must accompany the pet at drop-off. Failure to provide this written proof will result in the vaccination administered to your pet for a $16.00 fee.
Post-Surgery Instructions
Your pet has undergone a major surgical procedure, which included general anesthesia. Expect him or her to be more quiet than normal for the next 24 hours. Once at home, allow your pet to recover from the surgery inside in a quiet, dark room with as little disturbance as possible.
Please avoid contact with other pets and children until the following morning. Pets are released at an appropriate level of recovery, but MUST be kept warm and dry and NOT allowed to recover outdoors.
Check incision daily for excessive redness, swelling, separation of suture edges or presence of any discharge. For the first week after surgery, it is normal for the skin around the suture line to be red and feel firm as the skin tissue begins to absorb the suture material. If a cat was neutered, check under the tail for bleeding, excessive swelling or protruding tissue.
Try to prevent pet from licking or chewing at the incision. Most animals will clean around the area following surgery. If your pet appears to be chewing, pulling or licking excessively enough to damage the skin, please put an E-collar on your pet.
Recommended amounts of food and water after surgery.
Dogs under 20 lbs.
Limit water to 1/4 cup on the day of surgery after you get home. No restrictions day after.
Limit food to half the normal amount given on the day of surgery. No restrictions day after.
Dogs over 20 lbs.
Limit water to 1/2 cup on the day of surgery after you get home. No restrictions day after.
Limit food to half the normal amount given on the day of surgery. No restrictions day after.
Limit water to 1/4 cup on the day of surgery after you get home. No restrictions day after.
Limit food to half the normal amount given on the day of surgery. No restrictions day after.
Suture Information
“Dissolving” suture material was used so there is no need to return for removal. Sutures will normally dissolve within 4-6 weeks after surgery. Male cats have no sutures placed in the scrotum skin so the incision will heal with no effort.
Exercise Information
Please limit your pets exercise for the first week following surgery.
Dogs: limit exercise to on-leash walks for 5-10 minutes three to four times per day.
Cats: limit exercise as much as possible. After the first week, gradually return pet to his/her previous activity level.
No Bathing or getting wet after surgery
Please do not bathe your pet or allow him/her to get wet for 10 days after surgery. In addition, do not use chemical flea care products (including sprays, dips, powders or collars) on pet for 10 days following surgery. Using Advantage or Frontline is OK. The HHS does not recommend flea collars for flea control at any time.
Constipation or Decreased Appetite
Your pet may experience some constipation or decreased appetite for the first 24 hours following surgery and may vomit once or twice prior to resuming regular feeding schedule. If any of these conditions persist beyond the first 24 hours after surgery, contact the Houston Humane Society or your veterinarian for advice.
If Your Pet Was Neutered
There may be some swelling of the scrotum for a 2-3 week period. The testicles were removed and swelling will resolve slowly on its own and will be barely noticeable after a few months. For cat neuters, there is no need to change the type of litter used following the surgery.
If Your Pet was Spayed
If your pet was spayed while in heat, she may continue to show signs of heat behavior for the rest of her “normal” cycle. Pet must AVOID contact with male animals for a minimum of 3-4 weeks. While she cannot become pregnant anymore, she could suffer severe internal damage.
Emergency or Signs of Distress
If your pet has an emergency or you notice high levels of distress, please call us at (713) 433-6421, Ext. 3316 during normal Wellness Clinic hours.
If after hours, please contact an emergency clinic.
Please call (713) 433-6453 during regular business hours with any questions.