
Tribute Gifts

Honor, Remember, and Leave a Legacy

Honor a beloved person or pet with an engraved brick or plaque at the Houston Humane Society. This timeless tribute not only celebrates their memory, but also supports the care and protection of animals in need, leaving a legacy of love and compassion.


Tribute Brick


When purchasing a Tribute Brick, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 4” x 8” brick consists of up to 3 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the brick will be located in front of the Adoption building or in the walkway behind the Adoption building, leading to the dog cabanas. 


Tribute Block


When purchasing a Tribute Block, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 8” x 8” brick consists of up to 4 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the block will be located in front of the Adoption building or in the walkway behind the Adoption building, leading to the dog cabanas.


Canine Condo Plaque


When purchasing a Tribute Plaque, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 4” x 8” plaque consists of up to 3 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the plaque will be located inside the Adoption building along the walls of the dog condos. 

Kat Kondo Plaque


When purchasing a Tribute Plaque, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 4” x 8” plaque consists of up to 3 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the plaque will be located inside the Adoption building along the walls of the cat condos. 

Tree of Life Plaque


When purchasing a Tribute Leaf Plaque, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 2” x 4” brass leaf plaque consists of up to 3 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the plaque will be located inside the Adoption building on our Tree of Life fixture. 

Road to Recovery Plaque


When purchasing a Tribute Brick Plaque, you can engrave a name, a message or both! Each 1 1/2” x 4 1/2” silver brick plaque consists of up to 3 lines of text, including 14 letters and spaces, per line. Once engraved, the plaque will be located inside the Wellness Center on our Road to Recovery fixture.


For information on donating, please call 713-341-3334