1. How can I make a donation?

Donations to HHS Wildlife Center can be made several ways:

  • Online by visiting our donation page (credit card or PayPal)
  • In person (cash, check, or credit card)
  • By phone 713-341-3306 (credit card)
  • By mail (cash or check)

All donations may be made out to the Houston Humane Society Wildlife Center and, if mailed, sent to: P.O. Box 450528, Houston, TX 77053.


2. Can I write any donation off on my taxes?

HHS Wildlife Center is a nonprofit charity operating since 1979 and is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Our federal tax identification number is 74-1340341.


All taxable donations over $30 will receive a tax donation letter.


3. Do you have a recurring donation system?

Recurring donations can be set up using our online donation page.


4. What if I want to give to the Wildlife Center specifically?

It's important to know that any donations made through PayPal are sent to our general operations fund and there is not a way to indicate if you wish for it to go to a specific cause or area within HHS.


If PayPal is your preferred donation method, you are welcome to donate and be sure to include your name and email, then send an email us to donations@houstonhumane.org and let us know that you just completed your donation and the specific cause or area you wish for it to be used for!


You can also call us at 713-713-468-8972 or send an email to wildlifeinfo@houstonhumane.org if you have any questions!


5. Why can't I find HHS Wildlife Center on my Employer's Donation Matching Site?

The Houston Humane Society Wildlife Center is a wildlife specific center within the Houston Humane Society organization, which means most employers will list us under "Houston Humane Society" only.


If you still can’t find us listed with either name, you can also use our Tax ID to look us up (74-1340341). If you would like assistance or to speak with one of our team members, please give us a call at 713-468-8972


6. Am I required to have any vaccinations prior to volunteering in the Center?

We recommend that our volunteers receive a Tetanus vaccine, however, this is not required.


7. Do you have volunteer opportunities for teens?

Due to the nature of our work with wildlife, Volunteers must be 18 years or older. If you are not 18 years of age, but you love animals and are looking to volunteer, please visit https://www.houstonhumane.org/volunteer/volunteer-opportunities.


8. Do you provide court-ordered community service hours?

We are not able to provide court-ordered community service hours at this time.