In Feb 2021 we were asked to foster a 17lb scared to death transfer 4 month old puppy from another shelter that would cower in a corner and bite anyone that tried to touch her.
We took her home and put her kennel in the hallway to acclimate. We sat in her space and let her take the time she needed to trust us.
It took months for us, our first HHS foster fail Paris, and other 2 pups to slowly earn her trust and teach her how to be a puppy, play, and walk on a leash. She followed their lead happily. She is still a work in progress, is scared of unfamiliar movements and new environments, and does not trust all humans, but she knows she is loved and cared for and she loves her family (especially her HHS also foster fail and adopted sister Paris).
We celebrate her birthday today and although she was too scared to put the birthday hat on, she allowed it to be next to her. This is progress and we love the journey we are on with Figgy in our family.