I wanted to share the story of my two boys, Sebastian and Adam. I adopted Sebastian (previously Peanut), my Chihuahua mix, last year in October after learning about him from his foster. He is currently a year and half. He was exactly what I needed in my life to make it that much brighter. He’s my crazy child, but he’s a good boy. A couple of months ago Sebastian started acting out from pottying anywhere he wanted to barking constantly at me no matter what I did. I felt like he was trying to tell me he was lonely, no really. I had been extremely busy at home working on stuff for school. (I’m a high school teacher and coach). I think he was just feeling left out. I went back to HHS to look for an older female friend for him. I saw a beautiful 2 year old girl, but Sebastian was TERRIFIED of her. That’s when I saw Adam, the boxer. I grew up with boxers so I was immediately drawn to him. At first I didn’t know if I would go through with it since he was a male and 6 years old, older than what I was looking for. When I met him, he was just so happy. He and Sebastian met the same day and got along well. When I got Adam home, I knew he was perfect to join me and Sebastian. He is just the sweetest boy and calms Sebastian down. Without the HHS, I would not have the wonderful babies I do now. Merry Christmas from us!
Caitlin, Sebastian, and Adam