Houston Humane
Society News


3 YEARS. A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and ionized gases. If you look at a nebula image online, you will notice its beauty. This is a great name for me. I have this beautiful white coat with these bits of brown freckles dusting my white coat like stars in a nebula.

I love loving. I love your belly rubs and your kisses on my brow. I have a few tickle spots that really get my legs going!

I don't bark. I like other dogs. In fact, I like dogs so much that, when another dog growled at me, I turned away. Who needs drama in their life?
I do my business outside.

I tug a bit on the leash, but the person ghost writing this bio for me says she's working on my tugging behavior. Most importantly, I respond very well when she pulls back hard on the leash (just once!) to remind me who's boss. If she pauses for a second, I get the point that if I continue to tug on the leash, she will not allow me to move forward. It makes for a really boring walk if I have to stop each minute for tugging. I get it. I quickly transition to a good-walking girl.