June is officially National Pet Preparedness Month. Houston Humane Society wants to remind all pet owners what they need to be prepared with ahead of this hurricane season.
Microchip your pet
– Microchipping gives your pet the best chance of returning to you if they are ever lost during an evacuation or emergency. Also, remember to register your pet’s microchip with up-to-date contact information.
Stock Up on Water, Food, and Medication
– Have a 2–week supply of food, water and necessary supplies.
Bring your pets indoors
– Set aside blankets or towels for your pet. Crate them or secure them in a safe room during the
storm. If they must stay outside, place them in a covered, elevated area with wind-resistant coverings.
If you evacuate, take your pet
- If it's not safe for you, it's not safe for your pets. Pets left behind in a disaster can be injured
or lost. If you must leave home, take your pets to a pet-friendly hotel or shelter.
Make a Plan and Have your Disaster Kit Ready
– You want to be prepared if the storm impacts your area. Be sure to have all emergency supplies stored in a waterproof container.

Click here, English version, Spanish version, for an easy to print or download version of this information to post on your fridge and share with friends and family!