If the duckling is covered in down (fluff but no feathers) or is a juvenile (has mostly adult feathers but still may have down visible) and there is no visible parent nearby, look around thoroughly in nearby trees and on the ground for a parent. If the parent is present, monitor from a distance to ensure they reunite with the duckling. If there is no parent, call us at 713-468-8972. If you suddenly find ducklings in your yard (usually found in yards with a pool) with or without a parent present, call us at 713-468-8972 before attempting to intervene.
If you find a duck or goose of any age that is:
Please contact us at 713-468-8972 as soon as possible to determine further steps. If we are closed, leave a voicemail and follow the Temporary Care Instructions below.
Click the link below to view instructions for how to free ducklings from pools. If this resource does not work or you need further assistance, please call our hotline 713-468-8972.
The most common duck species admitted to the HHS Wildlife Center are black-bellied whistling-ducklings (Dendrocygna autumnalis), and muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata). Ducklings are most commonly found from March to August but can be found as late in the year as October. Mother ducks will not start incubation until all her eggs have been laid, if you find a nest of eggs, there is a chance the mother has not abandoned them and is instead just waiting to finish laying the rest of the eggs. Most ducks lay 8-13 eggs per a clutch.
The HHS Wildlife Center has an ambassador duck named Woody who is a wood duck (Aix sponsa). The care of ducks is strongly monitored by TPWD due to the regulations associated with all game animals.