Have you found a BABY raccoon?
Raccoons are often orphaned unnecessarily when a homeowner hears activity in their attic and hires a pest control company to remove them. Often the company will trap the parents and relocate them, overlooking the babies, and the homeowner will hear the babies crying within a day or so. If you have raccoons in your attic, please call us at 713-468-8972. We can advise you on passive methods that will compel the raccoon to relocate on their own, taking any babies they have with them.
If able, please attempt to reunite the baby with its mother. Please do not attempt this if the baby is:
We would suggest taking it to a wildlife center for care. Give us a call at 713-468-8972 for further assistance or use Animal Help Now to find a center near you.
If none of the above situations apply, we would suggest trying to reunite the baby with its parents.
Reunite Instructions:
Note If Babies Can Escape From Box: An upside-down laundry basket with a weight on top (such as a heavy book) works well as the babies will not be able to lift the basket, but the mother will be able to push the basket over, freeing her babies. Another possibility is a tall plastic trash can or recycling bin.
Note: Other warming methods include, heating a towel in a dryer and wrapping the baby with it, using a rice sock or plastic bottle filled with hot water wrapped in cloth.
If the babies are mobile enough that containing them is not possible, it is best to simply monitor their condition over several days. If they appear healthy and active, they should be left alone. If they appear weaker or in distress (frequent vocalizing, approaching people), they should be brought to a wildlife center or rehabber.
PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE ANIMAL. Adult raccoons are very dangerous and are a rabies vector species. Call your county’s Animal Control agency for help with an injured or ill adult raccoon.
We never recommend trying to directly handle or trap wildlife! Instead, we recommend using humane deterrents to convince the raccoons to move away on their own. This also prevents other animals from refilling the vacated niche.
Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are nocturnal (mostly active at night), but will come out during daytime rarely if they are chased or there is low food availability. Their Latin name “lotor”, means “the washer” because they are known to wash their food before eating it.
They are most active in spring, summer, and fall, and will sleep in their dens for most of the winter. Reproduction begins in late winter. Females, or sows, usually give birth to 1-6 baby kits in the spring. Mothers are very protective of their young until they separate after about a year. At HHS Wildlife Center, we see baby raccoons come in heavily from March - July.
Raccoons can carry several bacterial diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and pets through a bite or the ingestion of raccoon waste. Some diseases that can affect humans and pets include: leptospirosis, salmonella, roundworm, and rabies. A raccoon’s life span is about 2-3 years.