General Information about Skunks in the Houston Area
Eating spiders, wasps, and other “pest creatures” makes skunks surprisingly good neighbors to have around. If you see a skunk in your neighborhood enjoy their striking colors from a distance instead of trying to antagonize it. They will often make dens and have kits with them from May to July and rarely in August or September. After this season is over, they will vacate the den, making the fall a good time to close up any holes under sheds or garages that you might not want anyone living under.
The most identifiable characteristic of a skunk is its greatest self-defense weapon. Skunks have 2 musk glands found at the base of their tails. Each skunk can spray an opponent 5-6 times and recharge its musk after only a few days. The kits are not able to spray the musk until they are roughly 4 months old and about 8 inches long. A skunk, however, will only spray you or your pet if it views you as a threat, so keep a distance and move cautiously around them. When feeling threatened, they will stomp their feet before turning around and preparing to spray. If you or your pet is sprayed by a skunk, a solution to get the smell out is to mix 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap (this can be laundry or dishwashing soap). The hydrogen peroxide may cause some lightning of the fur to your pet so be careful during application.