Baby water turtles found alone are completely independent and not in need of help. In the wild, turtles lay their eggs and leave, as babies are not in need of parental care. If the turtle was found in an area close to a natural body of water, release the turtle at the point of capture. If not, release the baby turtle at the nearest natural body of water.
Have you found an INJURED or ILL turtle?
If you find a turtle of any age or species that is:
Please contact us at 713-468-8972 as soon as possible to determine further steps. If we are closed, leave a voicemail and follow the Temporary Care Instructions below.
Have you found a LAND TURTLE/TORTOISE?
Most found land turtles are pets that have been released and will not survive in the wild on their own. If you find a land turtle, try reaching out to domestic shelters for turtle rehoming placement. If you are uncertain, you can text a photo to our admissions cell phone at 346-604-1430 for our admissions team to review and find the best solution.
Have you found a turtle attempting to CROSS A ROAD?
If you have found an uninjured water turtle attempting to cross a road, move it off the road in the direction that the turtle is facing, as the turtle’s instinct is driving them to move in that direction. If you place it on the side it was coming from, it will only attempt to cross the road again. Do not attempt to assist a turtle if the road is busy or if you are in any danger from passing cars. We do not recommend handling snapping turtles as they are dangerous.
Turtles are reptiles, meaning they are "cold-blooded", air-breathing vertebrates. They have tough, leathery skin covering their body. The shell has two distinct parts: the carapace, or top, and the plastron, or underside. The scales covering the entirety of the shell are known as scutes. Texas has over 20 species of turtles. Some of the most common species HHS Wildlife Center sees each year are red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans), three-toed box turtles (Terrapene mexicana triunguis), and common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina).
Most female turtles in Texas can lay up to three clutches of eggs per year and the nesting season can last from March to August, causing the eggs to hatch from mid to late summer. Mother turtles lay their eggs and leave, as babies are completely independent at birth and not in need of parental care. Turtles are amazing creatures with long lifespans. Some can live for 50 years or more.